1. Section A, Chapter 1 - Introduction To Apologetics

Contrast faith and reason. Are they compatible in the Christian's soul? Does reason nullify faith? Can defending (or, apologia) Christianity increase faith? Can reason alter presuppositions? Could a person's "faith" dismiss "reason" in order to sustain a presupposition?


  1. Faith And Reason are compatible elements. Faith is trust or belief in something or someone either with or without proof. Reason is the intellect or providing of rational evidence of something. Faith is an internal state and reason is an external influence. Reason does not nullify a Christian's faith. In fact, reason and apologetics (apologia) increases and strengthens faith. While presuppositions (preconcieved notions) alter reason, reason also alters presuppositions. Even though this is evident, a person can dismiss reason in order to keep a faith-based presupposition. In other words, faith and reason do not always co-exist but they are still compatible. So, even much more compatible in the life of a Christian. As stated in the Holy Bible in the book of II Timothy 1:12, "...for I know whom I have believed." Even scripture reiterates for the Christian that reason (knowledge) and faith (belief) are compatible. Ultimately, faith (trust) uses reason (intellect) for its rationalization. So we too as Christians should use the intellect to strengthen our faith.

  2. Solid Christian faith is when the heart gives assent to evidence. This "evidence" is achieved through careful examination of scripture, archeology, history and whatever resources are available (they are vast). Through reason this information is intellectually ingested and could bring the examiner to the point where he or she can make a solid decision to believe or not to believe. If the evidence is strong enough to eliminate any current cultural philosophical presuppositions that there is no God, it should make it easier for the heart to give assent to reason thereby enacting faith. This proves that faith is strengthened through reason and that both are compatible in the human soul. Reason could possibly nullify faith if the evidence studied is not carefully examined and logically deduced. This is why it is important to not only study the resources available but to also take into consideration the sources.

    Through the defense of Christianity one can build their faith to new heights. Proper defense (apologia) is achieved through logically examining the vast array of resources available to us in this day and age. Paul says in Romans 1:20 that "people are without excuse." God has made evident His existence through creation itself. It is our duty as Christians to follow David's example in Psalm 1:2 and carefully examine and meditate on God's law so that we can be like "trees planted by streams of water (psalm 1:3)" bearing fruit that does not wither under the attack and scrutiny of skeptics and unbelievers.

    By using this method the Christian can go on the offensive defending his faith in a logical way, planting seeds into the mind of the unbeliever that through the help of the Holy Spirit can eventually lead to regeneration. Paul cautions us in Colossians 4:6 to do this with grace (seasoned with salt) as to not offend and chase someone away from the truth. Through the apologetic formula expounded upon in scripture the Christian can use reason to attack presuppositions in a way that gives the unregenerate soul a desire to come to the truth on his or her own.

    A person's "faith" in false pretenses can reject Christian apologetics for the simple fact that our culture has been infiltrated everywhere possible by the philosophical presupposition that man is God. Everyone is surrounded by this, thus it is necessary to understand where they are and meet them at their level of understanding, slowly and carefully building a case without offense. Thus patience and tolerance bound by love and faith is the ultimate defense in the winning of souls.

  3. Man believes with his heart. A person is born again by the supernatural holy spirit as he responds to the message of the gospel. A person cannot come to God except God's spirit draws him. Salvation is a gift of God. You don't have to do years of research in different subjects to find God. God is searching for those who have a heart for Him.

  4. God told Israel through the prophet Isaiah to, "come and let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18). God gave man a conscience to know right from wrong. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:17). Most people will not come to Jesus because their works are evil (John 3:19-21), and they don't want to give up their sins. America has become a demon-possessed society for the most part and people murder and sin with a don't care attitude! God has warned our nation through the weather and other means like 911! God is merciful and His Spirit strives with men to bring them to repentance (Genesis 6:3; John 4:21-24). Many people actually prefer to believe in false religions and cults rather than the truth that is in Jesus because by embracing false religions it makes them feel like they are ok and still allows them to think that they can somehow make it to heaven, but this is nothing but Satan the deceiver giving them a false assurance. We can speak the truth in love and many people will come out of darkness into God's marvelous light and then many will also reject the truth even after the truth is presented to them. Agrippa heard the testimony of Paul but still would not accept Christ. Festus said that Paul's education had made him mad (Acts 26:1-32). President Nixon attended a Billy Graham crusade but he still committed sin and was impeached! Faith and reason can work together for a person's good if they accept the truth of the gospel, but if a person rejects the gospel then his conscience can become seared (1 Timothy 4:2). That person then becomes like an animal that turns into a sex pervert, and can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. Thousands of Americans have already reached this point! I would highly suggest every true Christian read 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus through for a whole month over and over and see what this does to your faith! Jesus when confronted usually ask the person what did the Law say, because the Law gives the knowledge of sin and brings conviction (Mark 10:17-22; Romans 7:7-25). The Law is our schoolmaster that makes us realize we need a greater power than ourselves to be made holy and just and so it brings us to Christ! God is still saying, "whosever will let him come and take the water of life freely" (Revelation 22:17). What will you do?

  5. Faith and reason are compatible. In as much as faith can stand on its own in the absence of reason, it is strengthened when proper reasoning is done. In Acts 17:17, Apostle Paul reasoned with the Jews and gentile worshippers hoping to win their hearts to Christ. Sometimes, people have faith in something not because they have made sense out of it. Such a faith is shaky, because it is often based on presupposition. However, when proper reasoning is done, the faith of such persons either increases or extingushes depending on the outcome of the reasoning. On the other hand, someone can develop faith in something so much so that, he will simply not allow for any reasoning when he feels such reasoning can alter his beliefs. In such a case, I can conclude that a person's faith can dismiss reasoning, not because the faith is so good to make reason useless, but because such a person may not be prepared to allow for reasoning in such sensitive areas such as religion.
